Scaldisnet a non-profit association, established in 1992, promotes and supports the touristic and recreative use of the river Scheldt's basin.
Thereby, Scaldisnet focuses on the development of regular passenger navigation and communal touristic passenger transport for a broad public.
Being a development organisation, Scaldisnet tries to reach this goal by providing specialised knowledge and operational cooperation to a many organisations which are active in the area of touristic-recreative use of the waterways.
Scaldisnet handles the principles of integral water management and multifunctional use of the waterways.
A reasonable priced passenger navigation with an attractive programme with respect to the content, where experience and professional accompaniment are held important, provides a significant educational and communicational contribution to a better understanding of the waterways, navigation mobility issues, river landscapes and nature. For many waterways this touristic and economic use can mean an extra economic advantage.
Passenger navigation on the inside waterways is being realised without any compulsory gap filling. In many cases, former anchor places of fright vessels, mostly situated in less attractive channel area's and discriminated neighbourhoods, can be re-used and reformed to beautiful spots, which fit in the policy of a more harmonious integration of the urban waterway.
In Flanders, the city of Ghent, is a famous example of the way waterways can contribute to a new urban attraction. The city of Vilvoorde works in a similar direction through the ambitious project 'Watersite'.